Every now and then, I need to touch cloth. I will use this space to show my play with cloth and tell my thoughts while stitching.

I will only use unwanted clothing, cast offs, remnants, unfinished WIPs, cloth napkins, table cloths, curtains, and my stash which is pretty extensive.

I also intend to ramble randomly about anything that might come to mind. My rambles may be long or short or with photos only.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mr Dragoneosorus

Dear Timothy,
Not until I picked out that silly little black beast that was taunting me on center stage, did I see the cute little creature heads hiding in the red moon tree that I added last week to the summer side of the moon.  Yes, I knew they were there. I saw their eyes and gave them pupils.  But I did not know what they were nor did it ever occur to me that one lived on the big moon.  I know. It should have. And now I'm certain the trees in the forest are indeed a reflection of the trees that stand on the edge of the moon.

It all makes perfect sense to me now.  Nothing ever happens before it is time. Believe that.

Turns out, that silly little black beast was just a "place holder".  You know, reserving the spot for me.  Making me wait until it was time.  When the time was right and I knew that little creature had to go, I had no problem at all removing him and the whole while I was doing it, I wondered why I had left him on there so long. 

Then I turned the cloth in my lap.  My eye caught sight of a little red head hiding in the red moon tree.  The eyes that I added made sense to me now or I should say, "they spoke to me". 

Meet Mr Dragoneosorus (Dra-gone-o-so-rus).  Timothy, the story is unfolding.  It is about a bird, a beast, and a dragoneosorus who can be seen on the big green moon.

But don't forget Timothy and believe that nothing ever happens before it is time

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Beast Is Gone

Remember him?

He's gone!

I could never get comfortable with him on center stage. 

I tried.

So, this afternoon I picked him off.

Not until he was totally gone did I finally have inspiration for his replacement.

I'm stitching now. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Shooting Stars On The Summer Side Of The Moon

Much stitching has been happening here.  Mostly in the evenings which is a good thing as it does keep me upright in the chair zone. 

The Summer sky has shooting stars now and I'm working on the transition where the sky and flowers join....in my mind for now.
While adding the moon trees, I wondered if the green moon forest trees were a reflection of the moon trees or was it the other way around.  Whichever, a new red tree popped into the forest on the Summer side of the moon
I have concentrated on the Summer side of the moon and here I added a new green moon and two more trees.
I call this the rogue moon tree. It could be the only real tree on the moon.  It doesn't reflect to or from anywhere. Puzzling. For now. But I love it.  
And this sweet bird-in-the-moon that sits where the Autumn and Winter forests converge was composed yesterday with small scraps where I saw the potential of a bird.  I was so focused on stitching, it was not until after I finished and stepped back that I saw my placement was right beside a moon tree bird with the same pose. 

After the surprise registered, that discovery gave me great understanding of and how things that channel through and around and up and down and over and under and away and near and loud and silent and then...... POP!!! right back out.......

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Blue Jay Feathers

Today, I'm mailing my three blue jay feathers to Jude for her Magic Feather Project.

I'm always thrilled to find feathers and when I found two blue jay feathers in my garden, I felt like I had received a present for the hours I had just spent working there.  I saw their magic and was inspired to interpret them in stitch on a fabric remnant from a dress I made myself about 30 years ago. 
The fabric scrap reminds me of the ground that I found the feathers on.  I really like that this little cloth has a connection to Tim's cloth where I used the same fabric scrap.  You know I will be adding some magic blue jay feathers too.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Looks Like A Jacket

Tim's cloth draped over a chair.
Doesn't this look like a cool jacket? 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Making Moon Trees

Making Moon Trees
Yes, of course there are trees on the moon. And I needed them to be more greenish that brownish. Brown has its place but I hardly consider it a color. To me, brown is another gray. 

So, I had these brownish trees that matched the greenish trees of
Green Moons Forest. In the studio, on a shelf, just above the coffee pot, I reached for the Rit dye. 

Ahhh haaaa! Coffee pot still hot! Why not!

I added a small amount of green dye to the hot coffee. Tossed the brownish trees into the pot. Ran about two cups of water through.

Wa la!
Greenish moon trees.

After rinsing, pin the stack of trees together and dry with a load of laundry.