Every now and then, I need to touch cloth. I will use this space to show my play with cloth and tell my thoughts while stitching.

I will only use unwanted clothing, cast offs, remnants, unfinished WIPs, cloth napkins, table cloths, curtains, and my stash which is pretty extensive.

I also intend to ramble randomly about anything that might come to mind. My rambles may be long or short or with photos only.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Inktense Faces

Just in case I don't get back here for a day or two, this five videos of 90+ minutes should keep you busy for a while.


  1. will keep trying through the day, but these face videos won't play
    for me....the others have...no trouble, but todays 5?, nope
    will keep hoping it works
    thank you

  2. hi sharon, sorry to bother again but video no2 and no5 are not working!!

  3. Still no luck, this late at night , now none of them are working , shame, Sharon, you were so kind to give us this course free and now you are having all these problems with Vimeo. Hope you can sort it without too much pain.

  4. This is really odd. The only one that will play for me is #3. Sharon, I know that this is just some kind of little glitch. Like all of the others, I really appreciate your gesture in offering this class. I took the Towers class, too, but never really painted before. This will be fun.

  5. I have reloaded the embed code for #5. I don't know if that will make a difference. But I will reload for the rest of them as well. They all work for me. I think it might be high traffic but it shoud not be.

  6. I don't know if this will help anyone or not, I have no problem viewing the videos I use Firefox browser, if you are using another browser try Firefox, if you are using Firefox and they won't play for you try Chrome -

  7. Thank you, Sharon. I watched all of them tonight with no problem.

  8. All good, watched the two I was not able to last night . Thank you so much. Love being back in class with you and listening to your voice.

  9. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .... THANKS ! Love it !

  10. Every one is just Fine now...i think high traffic too, tho everyone says that's not
    possible, i think it is...
    anyway...JEEZ....these are just enough for a Lifetime!!!!! and 5 just, well, i was
    grinning throughout watching you GO! How so much you Know your Art so intimately....
    and of course, i love the ink lines remaining, something that has meaning for me
    and i did my Library today thought not very neat, but it's There and tomorrow i will
    sit with it and think...i have the 72 set and it's way more than necessary, so will
    select the ones that i love and keep them seperate,
    This is just so really really FINE for where i'm at with Making....i am so so
    grateful to you that you offered this, it gets me going to somewhere i didn't think
    i would go
    THANK YOU Sharon and i love your style of presentation very much...like i'm sitting
    next to you

    1. Hello Grace and everyone. Sorry I haven't been responding in a timely way. I'm afraid some creepy germ has slithered down my throat and zapped me. The thing is, I am never ever sick. I hate this.

      I did want to say that hearing that watching these videos take you to new and unthought of places is so rewarding for me to hear. That is exactly the purpose of anything I share. While you watch, I want it to take you to that place where all of a sudden inspiration strikes. It may not have anything to do with what I'm sharing at the moment but is the door that opens for you new places.

      Thanks to you all.

    2. if your bug is kin to this one roving through New Mex it might take a while.
      But you have given Us so so much....we can be quietly content with so much Looking. So much to Translate to our own things...it's just really really
      Be Well. it will be ok. even if it seems to take forever.

  11. (Hey .... hi Grace ;-) !)
    Hope the bug is gone Sharon ...
    Just started today with my inktense pencils and your video in mind ...
    First layer is done and am amazed how little is left after the first
    time I ironed it ... :-( but I will be patient and add more layers.
    Don't have the white inktense though .... must look for that the next
    time I'm in town (Rotterdam) in the artist'supply store !

  12. Hi Sharon, I finished a face which I drew from the lady's picture in your video. (I posted her on my site) The lessons were lot's of fun, thank you for sharing them. After rinsing and ironing several times, I got her how I wanted her to look, let it dry a couple of days then patted a coating of Golden Acrylic Glazing Liquid Medium, Satin with a paint brush and let it dry. It didn't change the appearance and made it water proof. (though I haven't washed it again) I forgot to do the white acrylic stage but still love it.
    Thanks again.


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