Every now and then, I need to touch cloth. I will use this space to show my play with cloth and tell my thoughts while stitching.

I will only use unwanted clothing, cast offs, remnants, unfinished WIPs, cloth napkins, table cloths, curtains, and my stash which is pretty extensive.

I also intend to ramble randomly about anything that might come to mind. My rambles may be long or short or with photos only.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Jungle Blue Bills

Dear Timothy,

I know what they are now. The circling birds are Jungle Blue Bills. You can see why I'm sure. I've been stitching and today, I'm feeling like just sitting in the chair and stitching. It was so nice to see you and all the family yesterday. I gave thanks for that. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Winter Jungle Connection

Dear Timothy,

It is true. I haven't stitched for 5 months. There were so many things going on during the summer and the fact is I have too many excuses to tell. 
The winter jungle was ready to make the connection to the story line and Green Moon Forest and that is what I did yesterday. 
After making the connection, I finished weaving the first Jungle corner.
And would you believe, there are jungle birds circling in the corner. 

Tim, I'm sure you know that sometimes birds circling means something below has died.  But that is not true in this case. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Stitch Stitch Stitch Circles

Oh Dear Timothy,

I just needed to stitch and stitch and stitch. And so I did. In the jungle for the Winter side of the Green Moon Forest.  

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Crazy Blue Circle Bird

Dear Timothy,
December a year ago when I stitched that crazy blue circle on this component, I never  thought it was a bird. 

Then, recently while stitching the circle that is not a moon it occurred to me that this section of your cloth is "The Jungle". Now, I don't really know what the difference in a forest and a jungle is but in my mind, I think the jungle is so full of growth that birds and beasts are not as visible and maybe even more abstract. Anyway, that is how they will be in your jungle.

Timothy, what I want you to remember is, things today may be something totally different a year and a half down the road.  

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's Not A Moon

Dear Timothy,
I did make the connection with the early components that was planned in the beginning. I thought I would be able to make great progress if I would just quilt stitch these added components. I told myself that nothing else need be added. But I became bored with just straight stitching. So your cloth has been just waiting for me.

Timothy, don't be confused that the added circle is another moon. It is not. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Making Connections

Dear Timothy,

This is a favorite lettle section of the Autumn side of the moon. I have been stitching like a crazy fool. Mostly because stitching allows me to escape into my own brain and leave "stuff" outside. However, I have also been on a mission to finish the stitching of The Green Moons Forest square.
Which I have done and for the record, it is now 47 inches square and ready to receive the next part of the story.

The black connecting border is in place and I have been auditioning some of the early components that I thought would come next.  The problem is I may have changed my mind and so I will stop for a while and just be in the "thinking" mode about that. 

You know Tim, sometimes making connections can be hard.  All I can tell you about that is, when in doubt, give it a lot of thought. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Storyline

Dear Timothy,
Maybe you think I haven't been stitching. I have. I have been focusing on finishing all the stitching in the big center Green Moons Forest square. I am anxious to make the next connection using some of the first components that started this story.

I didn't realize until I laid the pieces together that the forest needed a ground.  So, I'm adding a border around the piece before conjoining the components.

I'm always amazed how doing one little thing inspires the next thing. Makes me think that all the options are 
 written down in order somewhere just waiting for my discovery. But I have to discover them in a certain order. It's like walking down a path.  The path splits into two paths. A fork in the road as they say. It depends on which path you take as to what you will find.  You should remember that.
I am excited about the black border. It is going to look really cool but more than that, I think it will become the story line.  That is the inspiration that was waiting for my discovery. 

Tim, you always need to know how thing are put together and what makes them work.  Well, just so you know, this is how I'm going to make the connection.