Every now and then, I need to touch cloth. I will use this space to show my play with cloth and tell my thoughts while stitching.

I will only use unwanted clothing, cast offs, remnants, unfinished WIPs, cloth napkins, table cloths, curtains, and my stash which is pretty extensive.

I also intend to ramble randomly about anything that might come to mind. My rambles may be long or short or with photos only.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Making Connections

Dear Timothy,

This is a favorite lettle section of the Autumn side of the moon. I have been stitching like a crazy fool. Mostly because stitching allows me to escape into my own brain and leave "stuff" outside. However, I have also been on a mission to finish the stitching of The Green Moons Forest square.
Which I have done and for the record, it is now 47 inches square and ready to receive the next part of the story.

The black connecting border is in place and I have been auditioning some of the early components that I thought would come next.  The problem is I may have changed my mind and so I will stop for a while and just be in the "thinking" mode about that. 

You know Tim, sometimes making connections can be hard.  All I can tell you about that is, when in doubt, give it a lot of thought. 


  1. Well of course you would know me on a different street. That quilt is magnificent, I had not see it whole that way as maybe I neglect that part of the blog. I have on my white glove but still can't touch, amy quilt show I have been to we get those to wear. Beautiful stitches. Also quilting here.
    In an unsettled mode so can't quite do anything. Like an old country western song "I have Sharon On My Mind"

  2. Oh Sharon, I havent visited your cloth for a while and I was astounded by how large it is...how beautiful it is. I love all the stories pertaining to the different blocks, the different moon stories. All of the wonderful colour and imagery....and the black just ties it all together, but keeps the stories individual, but still part of the bigger story. All I can say is I LOVE your cloth.

    Jacky xox

  3. Gosh, Sharon, this is wonderful work! xo

  4. oh goodness sakes this is gorgeous! i am in awe every visit i make here.

  5. First time for me to visit your blog. I love seeing the creative direction you have taken this cloth. Very inspiring.

  6. I just found your blog and ,"Oh My!" I'm glad that I did. This quilt is out of this world. You must have a little gypsy in your blood. I love the brave bohemian style and colors. I have many quilters in my family and I love what they do, but your style is captivating. Thank you for not hiding your light under a bushel. Your newest fan and follower, Connie


I love hearing from you and Thank You for stopping in!