Every now and then, I need to touch cloth. I will use this space to show my play with cloth and tell my thoughts while stitching.

I will only use unwanted clothing, cast offs, remnants, unfinished WIPs, cloth napkins, table cloths, curtains, and my stash which is pretty extensive.

I also intend to ramble randomly about anything that might come to mind. My rambles may be long or short or with photos only.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Cloth Side Of Me

The cloth side of me sat and stitched most of the weekend.  Not really, I did make plum sauce and a little house blessing. Surely not enough of that.  I seriously need to put this stitching away for a while and we'll see if I manage that.  The thing is stitching is something I can do during the evenings while sitting which seems to be the only thing I can manage in the evenings.  I'm worthless after five after dinner. Stitching does keep me upright in the chair.  I have nearly finished stitching this large component and have it ready to connect, merge, integrate, fuse, unite, blend, with another component. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

An Unplanned Plan

Yesterday, during my morning ART period, I did another component weaving.  It will sorta match up to other components that I have already shown.  I just really "needed" to do it. Maybe you know what I mean. I don't know.  I don't have a painting started and didn't have time to start because the "start" was not in my head.  But the "start" of this was in my head and so I did.  I first had this laid out with the same size strips, but when I was weaving the other direction, I changed my mind and added the wider check.  It seemed to really go with my unplanned plan.  Then on a whim and knowing I would be late to the office I "needed" to do the weave within a weave with the black.  Middle bottom of component.

Last night, still feeling a bit stretched and "needing" to just sit in front of the big screen, I basted around the edge with the hidden baste stitch and did a little stitching in the double weave.

I really thought this chartreuse green moon would be perfect here .... and I do like it but then I thought of the skirt I used in this piece and sure enough, it is more perfect.

Maybe you really can't tell with the close up instead of seeing the whole component.  Don't worry, I'll be showing again when I get all the stitching done.  I find the stitching so relaxing at night and today I'm feeling less stretched. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Another Connection

Another Connection.
Actually, I made this connection of the first and third component during my Monday holiday. I left my toes for perspective but this is approximately 28+ X 14+.  All the grand kids were here but I didn't tell any of them what I was doing.  Tim usually ask and is always very interested but he was busy fishing and playing games on the computer with his cousins.  This cloth will be Tim's.

I find stitching in the evenings very relaxing.  Just as I find my best time to paint is in the mornings.  That is pretty cool but I do have a hard time balancing them in my head.  You know?  The push and pull and up and down of balance that is mostly constant in my thoughts.  It is a struggle inside which obviously  has an effect on the outside. I guess.