Every now and then, I need to touch cloth. I will use this space to show my play with cloth and tell my thoughts while stitching.

I will only use unwanted clothing, cast offs, remnants, unfinished WIPs, cloth napkins, table cloths, curtains, and my stash which is pretty extensive.

I also intend to ramble randomly about anything that might come to mind. My rambles may be long or short or with photos only.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Song Birds

Pink Song Bird
Song Birds
Song Birds
Black Song Bird
Yellow and Blue Song Birds
Yellow Song Bird
Blue Tail Song Bird
Green Song Bird
Song Bird
Song Bird
Summer Jungle
Dear Timothy,

It's official!
I have finished the stitching on the front side. As you can see, there were many little song birds in the summer jungle. Actually, I'm sure there are more but I am now going to flip it over and continue the backing. 


  1. Many, many stitches! And, now the top is finished...how wonderful! I am so inspired. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work.

  2. i love the little colorful birds that connect it all with song. what a delightful addition.

  3. This continues to amaze and awe me. Technical question: do you already have the backing on and if so, is it intricate piecing like the front? And are your running stitches going all the way through? What about the applique stitches on the birds...front to back? Thanks in advance for spilling your secrets...

    1. Julie,
      The backing is being added one piece at a time with no raw edges. Click on the label "Backside" and you can see that.
      The running stitches go all the way through because I have not yet added the back in this area. Now I can.
      The stitching of the birds and any other applique that is added on top of running stitches is usually not stitched all the way through.

  4. this cloth has been an amazing journey...and continues to be so! such beautiful birds and stitches that seem to be full of whispers and love!

  5. Hi, Sharon. I haven't stopped by for awhile, but I was delighted to see this quilt and how you use the fabrics for the birds' tails. Beautiful and whimsical at the same time...and of course, LUV the stitching...
    best, nadia

  6. Thanks to all of you for your comments. I do appreciate so much.

  7. I really like how you used the underlying patterning to create more patterning with your stitch and applique.

  8. Love these little birds! So funny, I'm here in August, after not being here for a while and upon seeing your birds, I think of how I've been seeing many birds lately! Take care.

  9. Just popped over here to have a look .. what a beautiful piece you have going !! Gorgeous in fact !!!! So much love there!!!

  10. Hi Sharon--We definitely share a love for old cloth. I, too, am committed to using the discarded and unwanted. There is nothing like a shiny quilt store to suck the inspiration right out of me. The thrift store, however, that's a different story. I love this piece. I love the scale and the work of the hand, the hidden/emerging birds. Really beautiful. Thank you for sharing the details. XO Amy

  11. what a great and amazing project you did I read the comments , your thoughts and secrets to understand your Technics, but no way
    It's different
    good job


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