Every now and then, I need to touch cloth. I will use this space to show my play with cloth and tell my thoughts while stitching.

I will only use unwanted clothing, cast offs, remnants, unfinished WIPs, cloth napkins, table cloths, curtains, and my stash which is pretty extensive.

I also intend to ramble randomly about anything that might come to mind. My rambles may be long or short or with photos only.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A Garden Path

Dear Timothy,

I left a narrow section between the log cabin and the fence border with several thoughts in mind about a connection. When the time came, well I'll just say that sometimes what is in my mind and what shows up in real life makes no connection. 

So I was back to square one, so to speak. Until out of the clear blue I remembered a left over piece of fabric that just might be so perfect.  And it was. 

I added a garden path around the log cabin. A garden path with leaves and flowers falling over it. I added a little bit of me and my love of flowers on the backside. And instead of a straight stitch quilting I am enhancing the leaf and floral design with simple embroidery stitching. 

Here it is. Five years ago I made myself and a dear friend an art apron with this gifted fabric. The textile design is very unique and I loved it so much that I really didn't think I could ever think of anything special enough to use the left over piece. It thrills me to add this garden path to the backside of your cloth. It feels just right and the perfect connection.  


  1. An oh-so-perfect finish for this wonderful quilt. And your hand embroidery is the icing on the cake.

    1. Thanks, I think I just might finish the embroidery stitching today. Then all that is left is the binding.

  2. I so love how you have documented the b-side of this quilt ...

    1. Thank you Liz. I decided early on to document everything because I want to have a "blog" book printed when I finish that tells the story. And Tim is a very curious dude.

  3. What a lovely fabric this indeed is !!! I recognize this urge to do something "special" with "special" cloth ;-)
    I love it, that somehow, the thought of it comes at just the right time .... like this one !
    Love the sitching on the delicate hazy pattern ;-)

    1. Thank you, I like how you describe the "hazy pattern" it is and somehow seemed so perfect for this cloth of mens shirt backs and sleeves.

  4. Things I like here:
    The back side addition (of course)
    The apron.
    The clever way to not show your (?) face online
    The way you tell the story to Timothy (us)

    Thank you for sharing, Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy, I had to use the flash in a too-dark-to-photo-in-room. That was OK with me cause I didn't want my face to show anyway. But I could not resist a little pencil work in photoshop.

  5. OOh! How fun to see your stitching, Sharon! I love how the flower stitching moves into the plaid, much like how the flowers grow over their borders.

    1. It was fun finding that perfect bit of fabric to finish it off. Thanks


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