Every now and then, I need to touch cloth. I will use this space to show my play with cloth and tell my thoughts while stitching.

I will only use unwanted clothing, cast offs, remnants, unfinished WIPs, cloth napkins, table cloths, curtains, and my stash which is pretty extensive.

I also intend to ramble randomly about anything that might come to mind. My rambles may be long or short or with photos only.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Stitch Stitch Stitch Circles

Oh Dear Timothy,

I just needed to stitch and stitch and stitch. And so I did. In the jungle for the Winter side of the Green Moon Forest.  


  1. Hi Sharon--I LOVE your work..am new to your site...lovely circles...Julierose

  2. i'm just absolutely adoring your fearless use of color!!!!

  3. I love Tim's cloth. THe birds in the forest are my favorite right now. I especially like the yellow bird and I wonder what kind of song it sings ;)
    Love to you, Kris-10

  4. How I LOVE all of that stitching, and how those birds are appearing from your fabric jungle.
    Love your amazing fabric choices and that touch of 'Jude'. Wonderful cloth. I would love to be able to come over and take a closer look. Pick it up and feel the softness and the textures, seek out all of those stitched treasures.
    Thanks for showing so many close ups so we can see all of the detail.
    It will be sad when Tim's cloth is finished...who will you make one for next?

    Jacky xox

  5. Wow, Sharon, just seen your fab fabric work - didn't know you had this side to you as well! Haven't done anything with fabric lately and this has made me yearn to get the sewing machine out again. I never done much hand sewing but have a yearning to do this too! hmmmmm


  6. This is a truly wonderful long cloth that seems to carry so much of YOU in it. Like Jacky, I would love to be able to touch it - wrap it around me.

    Carry on.

  7. Wow .. just stopped over to see what you were doing here and I have to tell you I LOVE LOVE LOVE your sense of color and I love how you extend the lines in some of your work with stitches. I am totally addicted to stitching even though I don't do it enough. I had a reason to stitch while waiting recently and I was so grateful to have the work with me. I totally love the stitch. But your combinations of dark and bright color is fabulous!!!! Love it ... and those birds circling .. in a previous post .. love them too!!! I haven't posted in a while but maybe I will to end the year .. and get off to a better start for 2013. Happy New Year!!!!

  8. I love those circles over the woven squares--so enchanting...Julierose

  9. Sharon, I have finally stopped by your place to catch up with your work- and these ring beings are wonderful. In some places they look like they are cut right into the patchwork base. I am currently working on applique snakes, and so this is just the inspiration I need. Thank you.


I love hearing from you and Thank You for stopping in!