Every now and then, I need to touch cloth. I will use this space to show my play with cloth and tell my thoughts while stitching.

I will only use unwanted clothing, cast offs, remnants, unfinished WIPs, cloth napkins, table cloths, curtains, and my stash which is pretty extensive.

I also intend to ramble randomly about anything that might come to mind. My rambles may be long or short or with photos only.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Beast With Spots

Dear Timothy,
Last Wednesday, I took a day off and met up with Aunt Paula, Aunt Sue, and cousin Diane.  Sue and Paula are Granny's girls and she taught them to quilt too. Sue is Diane's Mother.  Paula lives in Oklahoma and was down for a visit.  Diane is learning to quilt so Paula is giving her a lesson on "The Texas Star" quilt.  Sue is holding a section that she has started. 

They are into what I call a contemporary method of traditional quilting.  
I'm not sure that they "get" my kind  of cloth making.  But they do really like this one that I'm making for you. While I was there I started adding the spots to The Beast. 
I guess you could say now, The Beast is no longer a burden to me. I like him now and with a few more stitches, he will be done.
Do you think I got carried away with his spots?  


  1. Oh Gosh! I can see you have the two sides to your personality just like me. I have followed Jude for 3 years now. I adore stitching on cloth because it's so relaxing... but then... my paints start to call out to me and I feel like I have a split personality!!!! Still loving your class, but I feel my needle and thread calling me. I LOVE Tim's cloth!! I think I need to find some kind of a balance!

  2. OH! And did you get carried away with his spots??? Absolutely NOT!

  3. So beautiful, artful quilting, not that traditional qauilting isn't artful it is, but I do get teased a ittle by the tradtional quilters. I do have something started but have had distractions that have had much pleasure.
    As we are all saying our thanks I always remember the one about liking so many different things. lovely stitching, I am amazed everytime how stitches change the look of a quilt. It certainly has a merging effect.

  4. Hi, we LOVE your Beast. It so cute! The spots are perfect. I like how the spots have spots.
    love you,

  5. never can a beast have too many spots!


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