Every now and then, I need to touch cloth. I will use this space to show my play with cloth and tell my thoughts while stitching.

I will only use unwanted clothing, cast offs, remnants, unfinished WIPs, cloth napkins, table cloths, curtains, and my stash which is pretty extensive.

I also intend to ramble randomly about anything that might come to mind. My rambles may be long or short or with photos only.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Green Thread

While stitching this little nine inch component, I kept thinking about the green thread that was in my MIL's nest of threads.  At least 75 percent of her stash was green.  It gave me pause that my project's primary color theme is green. Anything with green. And that I most likely will use a lot of green thread to stitch. That's nice that I will use her left over threads.  But I have to admit while stitching this component, I got bored with using green.  I felt the need to switch to shades of gold and then red.  I'm sure it is safe to say, in the end, I will be using all colors to stitch with.

The one thing that puzzled me with her threads was that I found several hanks of thread that had been cut through resulting in a whole hank of strands all the same length and ready to use. In other words, instead of pulling the end of the thread from the hank and cutting off the desired amount, one could just pull off a 6 ply length and work with it.  Like the blue below, I used some of the green and rather liked that it was already cut like that.  I wondered if this was the way I was suppose to be doing it and I wondered if I had known this in the past and forgotten.  So I pulled a skein from its little paper holder and unfolded it. It was one big circle of 6 ply threads and I cut through all of it. Sure enough that was how it was done.  Then I looked at some of my newer thread and found that it is not done the same way.  In other words when the skein is opened up the circle that is formed of the 6 ply threads is much smaller and if I cut through the threads, the lengths would be much to short to stitch with.  I'm still puzzled about this and wonder when it changed. Was it by brands. It is certainly not something important to be puzzled about.  Just mindless thinking and stitching.

This morning I laid out my first component (below) to start planning the next one.  I'm thinking about how I can integrate them and that is why I left the edges random lengths on the first block.   At first, before starting, I resisted the thought that I could "start" without a plan.  So, I planned green.

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