Every now and then, I need to touch cloth. I will use this space to show my play with cloth and tell my thoughts while stitching.

I will only use unwanted clothing, cast offs, remnants, unfinished WIPs, cloth napkins, table cloths, curtains, and my stash which is pretty extensive.

I also intend to ramble randomly about anything that might come to mind. My rambles may be long or short or with photos only.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Crazy Blue Circle Bird

Dear Timothy,
December a year ago when I stitched that crazy blue circle on this component, I never  thought it was a bird. 

Then, recently while stitching the circle that is not a moon it occurred to me that this section of your cloth is "The Jungle". Now, I don't really know what the difference in a forest and a jungle is but in my mind, I think the jungle is so full of growth that birds and beasts are not as visible and maybe even more abstract. Anyway, that is how they will be in your jungle.

Timothy, what I want you to remember is, things today may be something totally different a year and a half down the road.