Every now and then, I need to touch cloth. I will use this space to show my play with cloth and tell my thoughts while stitching.

I will only use unwanted clothing, cast offs, remnants, unfinished WIPs, cloth napkins, table cloths, curtains, and my stash which is pretty extensive.

I also intend to ramble randomly about anything that might come to mind. My rambles may be long or short or with photos only.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Dueling Dragons

Dear Timothy,

The log cabin is growing. I now have to piece the shirt strips together to have a piece of the same shirt long enough to add. Slowly but surely I hope to finish this in our lifetime. 
 I really didn't think there would be a story on the backside as I only intended to quilt it to cover the messiness. 

But look! Dueling dragons. I thought that was what they were and I was thrilled when you saw the dye bath splotches and said they looked like dragons. 

Tim, I love that our imagination is "in sync".